Setting a Budget


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1. Pay yourself FIRST

  • Sign up for a direct deposit out of every paycheck to go into a savings account.  No matter how small, it will add up. Out of sight, is out of mind.

  • Most people pay themselves 10%.  It will be money saved that won't be missed.  It has always been worth the smaller sacrifices throughout the year.  SO PAY YOURSELF FIRST!!!

2.   Designate a special jar for ALL your loose change

  • Scoop all change that jingles from your billfold/purse at the end of the day and add it to your collection. You'll be surprised how fast those pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters increase as they gather in your savings container.  Place all loose change in your special place and watch it grow over the next 7 months. When it's time to cash in, your bank will change it to dollars for free. If you can save even $20 a month... for 7 months that equals.. $140

3.  The ROUND UP  

  • Round up the amounts on ALL your written checks in your check register and keep the change.

  • For example, if your electricity bill for ONE month is $105.00, write the check for $105.00 and mail it in, but in your register make the amount "$110.00" .. You've just paid yourself $5.00.  If you do this with all your bills paid by check you can save a little every month.  At the end of the month check your register against the bank statement and make necessary adjustments. You should have several dollars left over to add to the vacation fund.

If you add $5 to each bill..
Electric- $5 x 7 months= $35
Gas- $5 x 7 months = $35
Phone- $5 x 7months=  $35
Home- $5 x 7months=  $35
 Saving total after 7 Months = $140

4.  Decrease Entertainment

  • We spend €80 ($107 USD) a month on Pizza. Ever since I was a child the family tradition is Pizza EVERY Friday night. I've been making my own, including my own pizza dough at home for pennies for the last few years.  So we basically have saved €80 a month. I still have to cook then on Fridays, but I'd rather have the cash!!  If you save $80(USD) a month from Pizza.. the saving is $560 after 7 months.  WOW!

  • Skip Starbucks everyday.  While it's cool and convenient to find one at EVERY street corner, if you spend $3 a day on a Grande Non-fat Hazelnut Latté with extra cream, extra shot, hold the ice, shaken not stirred ( for an example) for 5 days a week, you are spending $60 a month, $420 saved in 7 months.

  • Pack your own lunch for work.  When I was courting my husband, I added up how much he was spending for lunches at his work.  About $400 a month ( this included coffees)  and the food at work was pretty rubbish.  You'll eat healthier too.


  • Skip the fast food.  I know many people who eat fast food mostly, if not everyday.  This can save you as much as if you were taking your lunch to work.  If you spend an average of $6 everyday at the nearest Burger place 6 days a week... that's $36 a week. $156 saved for 26 days (one month).


  • Rent a Movie or two at REDBOX for $1.00 instead of a weekly movie at the Theater.  At $10 a ticket, you save about $30 a month.. over 6 months its $180 saved.

5.  Deduct a bit from groceries and utilities

  • Let's say you typically spend $400 for groceries each month. If you are on one of our tours for roughly 2 weeks you can subtract for these items since you won't be at home to use them. This will add another possible $200 to your vacation savings plan. This money then can be used for your FREE time activities and food. This savings also helps pay for your Meal Plan.

6.   Set aside any additional income for the vacation

  • Pay raise, bonus, holiday or birthday gifts, and unexpected sales or profit can be channeled directly to the vacation savings plan.

7.   Every time you’re under budget on something, set aside the difference

  • For instance, if your grocery budget is $100 per week- spend $10 less every week.. $40 a month will add up to $280 over a 7 month period.  Any savings you made at the checkout ( like buy one get one free or 50% off), take that money out anyway and add it to your vacation fund.


  • Take advantage of those BOGO offers (buy one get one free.)  Most likely you can have two weeks worth of shopping for one week worth of budget.


9.   Somebody will pay you good money for your stuff

  • Seriously, you may not have cracked open that junk closet in a while. There’s probably a ton of stuff that you haven’t used in months or years that someone else would be interested in buying. Hold a yard sale, or start up an Ebay account.

10.   Don't Starve Yourself of FUN!

  • Remember, while saving is important, don't starve yourself from having fun and splurging once in a while.  Figure out what is important to spend your extra money on and what is not.  Find a balance in your daily routine that can afford you to live and have an amazing vacation at the same time.



This is just an example of how you can save your money. Everyone has different budgets and different needs and emergencies always arise. However, you will find it is the simple and little things that can add up greatly instead of making a mad dash looking for ALL the money at one time. 
For alot people this is impossible.  Remember, I set up payment plans to help you make a savings goal every month.



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